The information from Wellington College International School Bangkok
Friday 3 May 2024

Junior School 

  • Mon 6 May – School Closed 
  • w/c 7 May – Whole School and Class Photos – full uniform including blazers will be required on your child’s class photo day (details sent via email by Junior School) 
  • Tues 7 May – Parent Workshop – Junior School Swimming Curriculum (all parents welcome) – 8.00 Theatre 
  • Weds 8 May – Year 5 Specialist PTCs (via Teams links) 
  • Sat 11 May – Family Photograph Opportunity – See link below 
  • Fri 17 May – Year 1 and Year 3 Specialist PTCs (via Teams links) 
  • w/c 20 May – KS2 Production Week – Dragon Days. Performance 1 – Thursday 23 May @ 14.15/Performance 2 – Friday 24 May @ 9.00 
  • Tues 21 May – Parent Workshop – Transition to Nursery (for all PN parents) – 8.00 Theatre Lobby 
  • w/c 27 May – PN – Year 6 PTCs with Class Teachers 
  • Mon 3 and Tues 4 June – School Closed 
  • Thurs 6 June – Year 2 Sleepover  
  • w/c 10 June – Bangkok Games (Year 5 and 6 students) 
  • w/c 10 June and w/c 17 June – celebrations of children’s work with parents (dates to be shared by class teachers nearer the time) 
  • Fri 21 June – Summer Term reports to parents 
  • Weds 26 June – Move Up Morning 
  • Fri 28 June – Last day of the academic year – Half Day 
Senior School 
  • Mon 6 May – School Closed 
  • w/c 7 May – Whole School and House Tutor Group Photos – full uniform including blazers will be required on the day (details shared by email from Mr Findlay to all parents)     
  • Thurs 9 May - Year 10 Parent and Staff Social (17:00 onwards) 
  • Sat 11 May – Family Photograph Opportunity – See link below 
  • w/c 13 May – Year 11 DT Display 
  • Weds 15 May – Year 7-10 Parent Workshop – Format/Purpose of Exams and Revision (16.00, Theatre Lobby) 
  • Mon 20 May - Orange House Open Morning 
  • Thurs 23-Sun 26 May FOBISIA Football (Under 13 and Under 15) 
  • Thurs 30 May – Year 7 - 10 House Swimming  
  • Mon 3 and Tues 4 June – School Closed 
  • Sat 8 Jun – WCIB Chess Tournament 
  • Sat 15 Jun – Summer Formal 
  • Thurs 20 June – Senior School Production – Little Shop of Horrors (More details coming soon!) 
  • Thurs 27 Jun – House End Ball 
  • Fri 28 June – Closing Ceremony 
  • Fri 28 June – Last day of the academic year

Dear Parents 


Well, we certainly haven’t needed to switch on the central heating this week. It’s been quite warm and – correctly – some parents have asked again how we are dealing with the heat.   


We have a robust Hot Weather Policy, based on Heat Index readings (the ‘feels like’ number on your weather app). This week, for example, Junior School breaktimes have been short and restricted to shaded areas, without running-around activities. Junior Dining Hall procedures have also been modified. We monitor the Heat Index throughout the day and are ready to take further action at any stage. 


As you know, we also relaxed the uniform code for this period. Students can continue to wear PE kit (or a no-tie uniform) if they wish until I inform you otherwise. I am told the temperature will drop next week, but I will wait until it does before making any further change. 


That said, please make sure that your child has their complete normal school uniform with them on School Photograph Day next week – see the schedule below. We must always look our best for the camera :) 


You may be interested to hear that our new Lead University Guidance Counsellor, Mr Bevin Clarke, is already working part-time with us, before his full-time contract begins in August. This will certainly help some of our older students in their thinking and decision-making processes.   


Please don’t forget to complete the Annual Parent Survey, which is open now and until the end of next Tuesday (7 May).  It is a very useful indicator of parents’ opinions and feelings, and we always take the data it generates very seriously. 


I’m off to the Wellington Community Golf event now – unfortunately spectating not playing, but still very much looking forward to it. 


Don’t forget that Monday 6 May is a school holiday. So please have a great weekend and I will see you on Tuesday. 


With best wishes 


Dear Parents, 


Having joined this school since the very first day that the school opened in 2018, I’ve witnessed not only an impressive development of the school but also the neighbourhood.  

It is amazing how WCIB naturally plays an important role in the positive development of the community and the neighbouring areas. While the school is growing quickly, villages, restaurants, community malls are also growing. This demonstrates the contributions of our school beyond our campus. 


As we are a warm and cosy community, it is important that we collaborate with our neighbours especially that a significant numbers our members live in the area. The growth of the neighbourhood also means a high quality of life and a variety of choices for our members especially the students. 


Last weekend I was invited to visit one of the new village project just 10 minutes from our school, the Aerie Srinakarin-Krungthep Kreetha. I’m glad to say that the owners of the project also share my views in forming a close collaboration within the neighbourhood and as such offer a special on-top discount of 1,000,000 thb for WCIB families along with many other privileges. The details are posted below. 


This shows that our school is now being highly recognized and become a fundamental part of this neighbouring area. And I strongly believe that with our children growing up to be a successful global citizens, we are on our way to become a fundamental part of the whole society. 


The FoW will of course continue our efforts in forming a close collaboration with our neighbours. 


Best Wishes 


Do share your Wellington promotions, special offers, benefits with us. We would love everyone to share in our good fortune to be Wellingtonians!

Senior School Exams 


It is Exam season again and our Senior School students are hard at work studying for a variety of subjects. Our Year 11 students will take part in the first IGCSE exams here at Wellington Bangkok – the very best of luck to our pioneers!  

Years 7-10 are also taking exams in the early part of June.


Please see details of all exams below and remember to keep quiet in Senior School! We’ll be sharing some revision tips over the next few weeks. Do get in touch with your child’s House Tutor if you have any questions or worries.  

Summer Exams Week 


Years 7, 8, 9 - Weds 5, Thurs 6, Fri 7 June 

Year 10 - Weds 5, Thurs 6, Fri 7, Mon 10, Thurs 11 June 

Revision Wellbeing  


Head of Senior School Wellbeing, Tom Lemon shares some insight into looking after your children as you prepare for these weeks.  

The examination season is underway and with this comes a stressful period for students, and parents. Our care and will for them to succeed can add to the pressure and stress the children feel. It is therefore important for us to consider how, and when, we support and intervene. 


Expecting them to spend hours on end revising is not realistic. Encouraging them to split the day into 45-60 min blocks, with short breaks in-between, will result in a much greater level of focus and productive revision.  


Perhaps you could be involved in their revision process too; ask them to teach you something, go through flashcards with them, compete in a Kahoot! Revision game...or just ask them how they’re doing. Questions about what they are doing and how much they have done are likely to be met with a more negative, and perhaps defensive response. 


Sleep is essential for forming memories, retaining content, and maintaining manageable stress levels. There is evidence that revising directly before bed can also increase the retention of information, however, a minimum of 8 hours of sleep is strongly advised. To encourage sleep, leaving devices outside the bedroom and reducing screen time for 60 minutes before bed would also be hugely beneficial. 

Those students who are in school are encouraged to seek help and guidance from their teachers, tutors and other staff should they need it. 

IGCSE Timetable 


Please see our full IGCSE Timetable here.

Fifth Floor – Open! 


Wellington College Bangkok is constantly evolving, developing and growing. As we returned to School from the Songkran break we celebrated the opening of the fifth and final floor of the Skylight building!  

The fifth floor is home to our Sixth Form space and our extensive Art studios (we are reliably informed the very best in Bangkok!) If you'd like an official tour of this and the rest of the Skylight building then please contact Jane and the team - These tours will take place after 17 June due to IGSCE exams

Film and Photography 


Next week we have lots of exciting things going on. We will be hosting Rembrandt to do our Class and School photography. Students will be taking part in their class/House Tutor group photographs (see individual emails for details). We will also be taking Whole School photographs as follows –  

  • Early Years 
  • KS1 
  • KS2 
  • Senior School 

The Full Photography Schedule is as follows –  


Junior School

  • Tuesday -Shelton, Hornbill, Penguin, Almond, Hummingbird, Browne, Carle, Rundell class photos 
  • Wednesday – EYS/KS1/KS2 photographs, Yamada class photos                
  • Thursday – Coelho, Morpurgo, Parrots, Toucan, Owls, Kookaburra, Robin, Carroll, Pullman, Zephaniah, Rowling 
  • Friday - Woodpecker, Dove, Stork, Kingfisher, Tomlinson, Atinuke, Lucas, Dahl, Donaldson       

Students should wear full uniform with blazer and tie on the day of the whole school photograph and their own class photograph. 


(Please see emails from class teacher with more details or any changes. Year 3 classes to be confirmed.


Senior School

  • Tuesday - Hopetoun, Orange & Anglesey group photos. Students must wear House shirts, PE shorts and trainers to school  
  • Wednesday – Senior School Photo. All students should ensure that they have full school uniform on Wednesday, this includes a tie, blazer and appropriate school shoes 
  • Thursday - Hill & Murray group photos. Students must wear House shirts, PE shorts and trainers to school  
  • Friday - Picton, Lynedoch & Talbot group photos. Students must wear House shirts, PE shorts and trainers to school  

(Details are in an email from Mr Findlay sent today, Friday 3 May) 


There is also a chance for you to sign up for family photographs on Saturday 11 May. Please find below the URL to sign up for the Family Photoshoot. 


We also have Christian Photography Studios in making a School promotional film and taking lots of photographs. We will be using all areas of the School and children may be in group or individual photographs. As always, if you would prefer your children not to take part then please let me know  


We have several other films planned over the next few weeks and we will always respect your wishes.

Get Growing Farm Trips 


Last week as part of Global Citizenship Week Year 3 and 4 visited 'Get Growing Community Farm' located on the Green lung in Bangkok. From mud sculpting to water sliding, egg collecting to planting, the children took part in various outdoor activities and engaged in some risky play with their friends. This trip gave the children the opportunity to connect with their local community, learn about sustainability and farming while, of course, getting their hands dirty. This fantastic first hand experience was enjoyed by all and was a great start to the Summer term! 


Huge thanks to our Year 3 and 4 teachers – Ms Sacha Hancock, Mr Alex Thrall, Mr Jamie Flegg, Ms Alice McCarthy, Mr Ben Cooper and Mr Keith Kertesz for organization and enthusiastic participation!


Take a look at all the pictures in our Flickr albums.

FOBISIA Short Story Success


Congratulations to Josiah in Year 10 who has been awarded a Runner Up prize in his age group in the recent FOBISIA short story competition. Josiah was up against very strong opposition from student writers across all FOBISIA schools. If you’d like to read the stories you can see them here. Thank you to Ms Rosalind Scourti, English teacher for support of our entrants.

Musical Moments 


There is so much great music going on around School. In the first of an occasional series we share this great performance from Stefanelle, Petch and Puifai in the Senior School Assembly this week. 


Link Here
As part of our incredible Global Citizenship Week, Year 5 enjoyed a fascinating workshop hosted by Precious Plastic, focusing on innovative ways to repurpose plastic into valuable items.
As part of Global Citizenship Week last week we are extremely grateful to our local Fire department for visiting us last week and explaining their roles.
It's official. Our first cohort of Year 11 students are taking their IGCSE exams. Our beautiful Fifth Floor is home to the official exam room.
Before the Songkran break we were all exceptionally busy preparing and we thank all our Thai teachers for their hard work.
Thanks to all our Hopetoun parents who joined our House Open Morning this week.
There is always so much going on at Wellington that it's easy to forget yesterday - let alone before the break.
What a wonderful job by our Year 2 teachers and ALTs on Monday as they opened a brand new unit of learning 

School Shop Contact Details 

Please note that our School Shop contact details have changed –  



Phone number: 098-271-8540

Come See Me Swim 


Our first Come See Me Swim sessions began this week with an opportunity for Year 1 parents to see how their children are mastering the basics of swimming as they progress through our programme under the guidance of our qualified teachers, coaches and instructors.  


Thank you to Mr Daniel Aylward who has led this initiative which helps parents to understand differentiated groups, ratios and our approach to teaching. 


Take a look at our videos to help you understand.  


Year 1

GBAC Football – Under 13 Boys and Girls 


Term 3 competitive sports are now underway with our first football fixture as our Under 13 Boys took to the Front Field last week to play a competitive game against TSIS. All the boys played their part in a comprehensive victory with Charlie, Ooryuu and Aieach all scoring multiple goals. Coach Martin was particularly pleased with the style of football played and with the great teamwork - as always!  


This week the Boys and Girls both played home fixtures against LFIB. Both sides competed to very high standards in the blistering heat. The boys continued a winning streak with a 4-0 victory with goals from Sam, Flynn, Charlie and TT.  


The girls battled hard but came away with a narrow defeat. Their efforts on the pitch were admirable – and like the boys they played with style and passion.  


Thank you to all the parents and friends who came to support them. We really appreciate you all!
If you are a Wellington football, swimming, golf, basketball, tennis, table tennis parent and you take pictures at tournaments and practices, then please share with us in Marketing. We love to use your work!!!
It’s been another wonderful week for all our Wellington Stars! We love hearing all the news and we share many of the stories here each week
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WELLINGTON COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BANGKOK - 18 Krungthep Kreetha Road, Khwaeng Thap Chang, Saphan Sung District, Bangkok, Thailand 10250, Thailand