The information from Wellington College International School Bangkok
Friday 31 May 2024

Junior School

  • Mon 3 and Tues 4 June – School Closed 
  • Thurs 6 June 8.00 – Bangkok Galaxy – Football Next Year (Theatre)  
  • Thurs 6 June – Pre-Nursery Trip to Farm 
  • Thurs 6 June – Reception Trip to Aquarium 
  • Thurs 6 June – Year 2 Sleepover  
  • Thurs 6 June – Under 13 table tennis match v PPIP (away) 
  • Sat 8 June – Wellington Chess Tournament 
  • w/c 10 June – Bangkok Games (Year 5 and 6 students) 
  • w/c 10 June and w/c 17 June – celebrations of children’s work with parents (dates to be shared by class teachers nearer the time) 
  • Weds 19 June – Summer Sixes Cricket Festival @ Wellington 
  • Fri 21 June – Summer Term reports to parents 
  • Weds 26 June – Move Up Morning 
  • Fri 28 June – Last day of the academic year – Half Day 
Senior School 
  • Mon 3 and Tues 4 June – School Closed 
  • Thurs 6 June 8.00 – Bangkok Galaxy – Football Next Year (Theatre)  
  • Thurs 6 June – Under 13 table tennis match v PPIP (away) 
  • Sat 8 Jun – WCIB Chess Tournament 
  • Sat 15 Jun – Summer Formal 
  • Mon 17 Jun – Fri 28 Jun – Year 11 to Sixth Form Transition Programme 
  • Weds 19 June – Summer Sixes Cricket Festival @ Wellington 
  • Thurs 20 June – Senior School Production – Little Shop of Horrors (More details coming soon!) 
  • Tues 25 June – Years 7 and 8 Trip 
  • Thurs 27 Jun – House End Ball 
  • Fri 28 June – Closing Ceremony 
  • Fri 28 June – Last day of the academic year

Dear Parents 


Reflecting on last week’s Wellington Annual Review inspection: I was not at all surprised – but very proud – when the team praised our Early Years so strongly. The Headmaster of our Prep School in England, Eagle House, sat in my study genuinely full of praise (and amazement!) for how well our youngest Wellington students are supported to flourish and succeed. I am delighted that the world-class excellence of our Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception teams is recognised by people who really know what world-class excellence is!  


I was also very happy this week to receive confirmation of our successful re-accreditation with COBIS (the Council of British International Schools). They were the first organisation to fully accredit us, in 2019, and have continued to provide strong support throughout the five-year accreditation cycle. COBIS also work closely with the UK government to ensure that the best international British schools are properly recognised as true standard-bearers for British excellence around the world. Last week’s Junior School production of ‘Dragon Days’ was so good I went to see it twice!  As a former director of school productions myself (I did my first one when I was in Year 12 at school), I am simply astonished: I have no idea how Ms McLeish and the team manage to get all the students involved, organised, focused – it’s extraordinary!  And I’ll keep saying it – the live music is just outstanding.   


Don’t forget that Monday and Tuesday are school holidays. This is the closest we get to a Half Term holiday in the Summer Term. But not for our Y11s, whose IGCSEs continue regardless. I’ll be in on Monday for the Business Studies exam, and Tuesday for the Design Technology exam.  We always say that exams should not depend on luck – if you have done the work, you will get the grade. But good luck to our students anyway ;) 

Enjoy the long weekend. The first Duke of Wellington invented some boots to deal with the weather that comes during this season – let’s hope you won’t be needing them!


With best wishes


Campus Updates 


As we approach the summer break, our Facilities team is preparing for an extremely busy time with many new capital projects across the Campus.  


The main construction project is advancing at great pace behind the hoarding on Centre Court, with the fabulous new Crowthorne Building on track for completion in 12 months. As well as providing a new learning environment for Years 5 and 6 from August 2025, the Crowthorne Building will house outstanding facilities for Music, Design and Digital Technology, Food Technology, and Drama, and with a new Exams Hall spanning the top floor. 


After difficulties with the contractor, the new Tennis facility is on back on schedule for opening at the start of Michaelmas Term. There will be four new Tennis Courts, installed to the same specification as the Australian Open playing surface. Two of these courts will be marked for Basketball, Netball, and Volleyball to increase provision across these sports during the school day. We will also be providing shaded spectator seating for viewing the tennis (and the Senior playing field); and floodlights to extend the Tennis playing hours into the evening for talented students (and enthusiastic parents!) Whilst we are currently installing all the services required for the roof, this will unfortunately have to be delayed otherwise the new courts would not be ready for next academic year.


Junior School students will be excited to return to a brand new playground, transformed by a wide range of new equipment to support challenge and rest during break times. This playground has been designed and constructed by a market leading company from New Zealand, with equipment that has not previously been installed in Thailand. The Early Years students will also have a brand new facility – with a new Soft Play space in the basement of the Sports Hall, featuring a funky new climbing wall.

We have exciting news. There are now a small number of Pre-Nursery and Reception places available still for August. If you have friends who would like to join, then we would be delighted to hear from them. We can organise a personal tour, a Stay and Play and a meeting with our Master, Head of Junior School and Early Years team. Don’t forget, you will receive a Referral Incentive of 50,000 THB. We love giving these away because it means you are happy! 


Contact Jane in Admissions to find out more.

Year 5 Trip To Space Museum


School trips, residentials, camps and outings are a significant part of life here at Wellington. They bring so much richness to student life – and our teachers are always looking for new and exciting adventures. This week our Year 5 students visited the Space Inspirium Centre in Chon Buri. This proved to be an exhilarating educational journey that expanded their exploration of the theme 'To infinity and beyond'. Year 5 teacher, Ms Hazel Brinkworth told us “ Surrounded by captivating displays and interactive exhibits, our students eagerly immersed themselves in the wonders of space exploration. Through engaging with virtual reality simulations, embarking on a simulated Mars Walk, and stepping inside a replica of the International Space Station, our students not only found inspiration but also gained firsthand experiences that ignited their imaginations and enriched their understanding of the cosmos. Moreover, they enthusiastically applied their problem-solving skills in a satellite rebuilding activity, gaining valuable insights into satellite technology. This immersive trip not only ignited a passion for space science but also instilled a deeper appreciation for the limitless possibilities that exist beyond our earthly confines. “ 


Our students couldn’t agree more!  


"It was a truly fun and fascinating experience, and I enjoyed learning about everything beyond our earth's atmosphere" Tannjai, Shelton.  


"It was great having a go at walking on Mars - we had to jump to move forward. I also really enjoyed the interactive display about gravity on the moon where we lifted up different pieces of rock" KimKim, Shelton.

Dragon Days Musicians 


A huge thank you to our student and adult musicians who made the performances of Dragon Days so very special. It makes a huge difference to have all our own musicians playing live and the quality was exceptional. Thank you so much to Ms Sinead Corrigan, Director of Music and every single one of these talented musicians. You rock! (Quite literally).

Visits from Wellington Family of Schools 


As you will have read in last week’s newsletter, last week we hosted a team from other schools in the Wellington family, as they completed our very successful annual review. We have also hosted some of the team from our newest school, Wellington Jakarta. A team representing the owners, toured our school with Director of Admissions and Marketing, Jane Forster. They also spent time with our Master talking about what makes a Wellington school so special. Chris explained the design and planning process behind the founding of Wellington Bangkok and offered lots of advice on the various areas of our school. We are proud to be part of this strong, growing family.



Take a look at this great event hosted by SANSIRI who are friends of the Wellington community and who sponsored our Christmas Fayre last year.


Link Here.
This is a very important week for Year 4 as they explore service in all its forms.
Last Friday our Reception children and parents took part in a most eggxcelent activity! First they worked together in the classrooms to create parachutes and egg drops.

Senior School House Water Challenge 


Thursday afternoon saw the penultimate Senior School House Challenge and it was definitely one of the most fun and the most competitive! Year 7-10 students took to the pool to participate in several challenges including kayak races, canon races, water polo and relays. Thank you to all our students for giving it their all. And to all the House Tutors and other staff who helped inspire on the day!

Football – FOBISIA Chiang Mai


Our Under 13 football team travelled to Chiang Mai for the 2024 U13 Football FOBISIA competition. Over two days of intense competition, our players represented Wellington College with pride and determination.   

The tournament got off to a rocky start on the first morning for our Under 13 boys, suffering two defeats against great opposition. However, the boys showed fantastic determination and resilience to turn their experience around scoring ten goals in two games finishing the afternoon off with two 5-1 wins which secured third place in the group stage. 


Day 2 provided a rollercoaster of emotions in our semi-final of the Plate competition. After conceding a goal early, our boys rallied back to a winning position (2-1) and looked certain to go through to the final but unfortunately our opposition equalised in the very last minute of play. The boys were deflated and started extra-time in a similar way, again conceding early. However, like earlier in the game and in day one, our boys showed exactly what they are made of and attacked until the very end where we won a freekick…….up stepped TT (Year 7) who put the freekick into the top corner to take the game to penalties. We went on to win the game on penalties with all three Wellington penalties converted by Sam, Charlie, and Thomas and another big moment from TT who saved a penalty which allowed us to make our way to the plate final. A shoutout to Mattie (Goalkeeper) who hurt his wrist during normal time after making some fantastic saves. 


Unfortunately, we suffered defeat in the Plate final to a football academy side, but the boys (and all staff and spectating parents) were proud of their efforts over the two days and took pride in their performances as a collective and individuals. A huge well done to: Sam (Captain), Thomas, Charlie, Leo (Year 8), TT (MVP), Flynn, Ai, Ooryuu, Karan, Felix, Mighty, and Mattie (Year 7). 


The Under 13 girls experienced both tough competition and the joy of building friendships. Facing challenging games against schools and football academies from across Thailand, the girls consistently supported each other and gave their all to win. This trip was not only about their performance on the field but also about bonding and enjoying the sport together. It marks the beginning of their football journey at this level, and they approached it with confidence and enthusiasm. A huge well done to Pa, Summer, Mega (MVP), Uni, Shana, Nubdao, Lavie, Proud, Richy, Preme and Nera.


We are confident that all the players grew from the FOBISIA Football experience and created long-lasting memories.

GBAC AllStars 


We are very excited to share some great films of the recent GBAC All Stars Football – much of which was hosted here at Wellington. 


The organisers shared the following message “The standard of games has seen significant improvement this year, and it is clear that students are motivated and enjoy this additional provision. We have had some wonderful feedback from students and staff. Deepest gratitude to INUS and StarsportsBKK, who have sponsored GBAC this academic year. Videos filmed and produced by bvifilms. “ 


GBAC All-Stars Football 2024 Movie 

GBAC All-Stars Football 2024 Social Media Post 1 

GBAC All-Stars Football 2024 Social Media Post 2

Basketball – Under 11 3x3 


Our Under 11 Basketballers took part in their very first 3x3 competition at St Andrews on Saturday. Every player made a great effort, worked well with their team mates, learned a lot and made Wellington very proud. Thank you all! We look forward to seeing you in action again later in the week. Thank you as ever to all the teachers, coaches and parents who supported the teams - and special thanks to Mr Nick Jeffs who generously shared these pictures with us!

Cricket at Patana 


The Wellington College Under 12 Cricketers took on a Bangkok Patana Under 16 team on Monday 27 May as a friendly warm-up match to prepare for the Summer Sixes Cricket Festival to be hosted at Wellington in June. This was a great experience for our boys, who challenged themselves against a much older Patana squad. There was tremendous energy in the field, with the bowling attack led by the youngest player, Punn (Year 4), who took six wickets, and JJ (Year 6) who claimed a hat-trick. Batting was challenging against more experienced bowlers, but Felix (Year 7), Tan (Year 6), and JJ (Year 6), all made notable contributions. 


Thank you to Dr Church and all coaches and supporters.

Stars of Wellington is back next week. Lots of past achievements to be seen on our website (LINK) and all the events in school are regularly shared on our social media. Follow us now!
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WELLINGTON COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BANGKOK - 18 Krungthep Kreetha Road, Khwaeng Thap Chang, Saphan Sung District, Bangkok, Thailand 10250, Thailand